Guitar & Vocal Lessons from Danny Masters Music Studio
Guitar Lessons:
Learn guitar from scratch or dramatically improve your skills with lessons from an expert guitar player. Danny Masters makes learning fun, interactive, and can fully train you in music theory. Read Danny's full bio here.
Everything is tailored to you. He has the ability to instruct you virtually or in-person.
Danny has is an expert in nearly every aspect of guitar. If you are looking to become a classical, rock, metal, jazz, or blues artist, Danny is the instructor for you.
Singing and Voice Lessons with Lori Gorklo:
Passionate about singing from an early age but not getting the desired results, Lori eventually found the necessary tools with speech level singing instruction and has helped many aspiring students do the same. Singers can learn to move through their entire range smoothly, and even extend their range and enhance the quality of tone. When students learn to support the voice and relax, they can realize an expanded potential. Lori brings enthusiasm and humor to make learning fun, and the results are always exciting!